Purchasing Office

West Virginia University at Parkersburg maintains a centralized purchasing department and centralized shipping/receiving function to assist with the acquisition of goods, services, agreements, and other procurement requirements. Functions include purchasing, receipt, delivery, inventory control, accounts payables and oversight of the college’s purchasing card program. The Purchasing Department is a service-oriented agency with primary responsibility for buying products of the proper quality at the right time, in the proper quantity at an economical price from a responsible vendor. The department exists to assist all users and is solely geared toward customer service.

The West Virginia State Code provides the Higher Education Policy Commission with the authority to effect purchases of materials, supplies equipment, services and printing for the State’s public institutions of higher education. West Virginia University at Parkersburg is one such institution of higher education that falls under the jurisdiction of the Higher Education Policy Commission.

The Chief Procurement Officer (Director of Purchasing) of West Virginia University at Parkersburg is appointed by the president of the institution under authority delegated by the Higher Education Policy Commission. Complete information pertaining to the West Virginia University at Parkersburg Purchasing Office can be found in the Purchasing Procedures link below.

Surplus Property

Information pertaining to the disposal of surplus property can be found in the Purchasing Handbook. From time to time, West Virginia University at Parkersburg’s Purchasing Department will desire to dispose of surplus property. The college utilizes GovDeals as the primary method for making the public aware of surplus property sales. Surplus items are listed on the GovDeals website and made available for auction for a period of two weeks. At the close of the auction, the winning bidder remits payment and is required to pick up the purchased items within three days from the close of the auction.

From time to time, West Virginia University at Parkersburg may also hold sealed bids to dispose of surplus property. Regardless of the method utilized to dispose of surplus property, information regarding surplus items available will be posted on this website, GovDeals and in the legal ads section of the local newspaper.

Abbreviated Advertisement for Bids (Legal Notice)
West Virginia University at Parkersburg will be accepting bids for the following project: Downtown Center Demolition and Abatement. Bid documents will be available starting April 22, 2011 at the office of Pickering Associates 11283 Emerson Avenue Parkersburg, WV 26104 for a non-refundable fee of $40. Bidders are asked to contact Pickering Associates at 304.464.5305 to ensure availability. Questions regarding the scope of work can be directed to Ron Arnold, Project Manager, at Pickering Associates. There will be a mandatory Prebid meeting at the Downtown Facility located at 705-709 Market Street Parkersburg, WV 26101 on April 27, 2011 at 11:00 am. Bids will be due at 11:00 am on May 6, 2011 at WVU-P Main Building Room 1004 at which time and place there will be a public bid opening.

Abbreviated Advertisement for Bids (Legal Notice)
West Virginia University at Parkersburg will be accepting bids for the following project: Theatre Renovation Phase 2. Bid documents will be available starting April 18, 2011 at the office of Pickering Associates 11283 Emerson Avenue Parkersburg, WV 26104 for a non-refundable fee of $100. Bidders are asked to contact Pickering Associates at 304.464.5305 to ensure availability. Questions regarding the scope of work can be directed to Nick Arnold, Project Manager, at Pickering Associates. There will be a mandatory Prebid meeting at WVU-P Main Building Room 1004 on April 21, 2011 at 2:00pm. Bids will be due at 2:00 pm on May 6, 2011 at WVU-P Main Building Room 1004 at which time and place there will be a public bid opening.

Vendor Information

Information on the P-card program (purchasing card), vendor registration, bid limits, and how to do business with the West Virginia University at Parkersburg Purchasing Department can be found here.

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