Friends Who Are Changing the World

Dr. Chris Gilmer, President
We are so proud of two of our National Institutes for Historically-Underserved delegates who are recent authors. Dr. Stacee Reicherzer has worked a long time on her groundbreaking book about otherness, bullying, and how we can all lift ourselves and each other up by rewriting our stories. You might remember Helena Lourdes Donato-Sapp from the amazing poem she wrote for our 2019 Think Tank.
Well, this young powerhouse has published a chapter in an amazing book about reforming and reclaiming our schools. I had the honor to be a peer reviewer for Stacee’s book, and my copy of Helena’s book is on order. We will also be sharing both books at WVU Parkersburg and placing copies in our library.
Be sure to support our amazing friends who are changing the world for the better, and as other National Institutes delegates and supporters publish and accomplish other things, be sure to let us know so that we can promote their gifts. Congratulations, Helena and Stacee!