
Free Professional Headshots

Success Epicenter Main Campus WV, United States

Come down to the Success Epicenter and get a professional portrait for FREE!

Dress Rehearsal and Elevator Pitch (In-Person)

Success Epicenter Main Campus WV, United States

REVERSE Career Fair Students will practice their set-up for the fair and their elevator pitch. Students involved can stop by the Success Epicenter for the in-person sessions.

Fall 2025 Advising

Stop by the Success Epicenter for advising assistance and be entered to win a Walmart gift card up to $100 value. This event will happen daily from 11 a.m to 2 p.m. from March 24 to March 27.

Interactive KAT VR

Come down to the Multi-Purpose Room for a FREE VR gaming experience!

Free Professional Headshots

Success Epicenter Main Campus WV, United States

Come down to the Success Epicenter and get a professional portrait for FREE!

Dress Rehearsal and Elevator Pitch (In-Person)

Success Epicenter Main Campus WV, United States

REVERSE Career Fair Students will practice their set-up for the fair and their elevator pitch. Students involved can stop by the Success Epicenter for the in-person sessions.

Around The World

Sample food from all around the world in the Multi-Purpose Room!

Fall 2025 Advising

Stop by the Success Epicenter for advising assistance and be entered to win a Walmart gift card up to $100 value. This event will happen daily from 11 a.m to 2 p.m. from March 24 to March 27.

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