Parkersburg, W.Va. (January 5, 2022) – Dr. Lauri Reidmiller, WVUP associate professor of Art, has been named the West Virginia Higher Art Educator of the Year for 2021. Dr. Reidmiller received the award at the West Virginia Art Education Association (WVAEA) annual conference held at West Liberty University on October 22-23, 2021.
The goal of WVAEA is to promote and maintain the highest possible degree of quality instruction in art programs throughout the state of West Virginia and to recognize those educators who maintain the highest levels of achievement. WVAEA awards recognize excellence in service to the community, leadership, and excellence in teaching.
Dr. Reidmiller’s hard work, dedication to her community and students, and love of teaching contributed to her receiving this highly prestigious award.
“I am grateful and honored to have been selected for this prestigious award. It is truly amazing to be recognized for something I love and enjoy doing. I would like to thank the peers in my profession for this recognition,” said Dr. Reidmiller.
Throughout Dr. Reidmiller’s professional career, service has always been a cornerstone of her education philosophy. She organizes and hosts the annual Wood County Poorhouse Cemetery clean-up events held in the fall, volunteers for the Very Special Arts Festival, Festival of Arts, Music, and Movement, and many more. She honors veterans by working with the Veteran’s Resource Center at WVUP and by organizing volunteers in placing American flags at the Wood County Poorhouse Cemetery on Veteran’s Day.
“Not only is the Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences Division and I are proud of Lauri’s state-wide accomplishment and recognition, but I can also attest to her creativity and dedication to her students,” said David Thompson, WVU Parkersburg Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences. “A visit to the ART Studio on the third floor allows witness of such during any class in session. There is engagement, laughter, and productivity occurring that explains why the awarding of the honor was so easy for the West Virginia Art Education Association.”
Dr. Reidmiller currently serves as the Higher Art Education Representative and Region 5 representative for WVAEA and has held multiple positions on the board. Along with taking on these official leadership roles, Dr. Reidmiller has served as the 3D coordinator and judge for West Virginia Youth Art Month and juried county art shows throughout the state. During the pandemic, she added the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation Scholarship program to the long list of organizations she supports.
“Studying art emphasizes imagination and curiosity, encourages different modes of communication and strengthens critical thinking skills,” said Dr. Reidmiller. “I would like to dedicate this award to all of my students for allowing me to share with them the importance of art in their own lives.”