Since the 2009-2010 academic year, West Virginia University at Parkersburg has held Convocation at the beginning of each academic year. This ceremony is to welcome new students to the community of scholars and to reaffirm our eternal commitment to the values that raise us up and give us the knowledge to provide opportunities for others to do the same. Convocation features welcome remarks and a keynote address, providing inspiration for new students beginning their academic journey. All new students are required to attend, and there is a live transmission of the ceremony to the Jackson County Center. The ceremony is also recorded and later posted to the college’s YouTube channel.
After the keynote address, the students will then be lead in a recitation of the Honor Code, whose text is below. A large copy of it will be signed by the student body in attendance and later placed on display in the main student lounge for the upcoming year. For students attending, business casual attire is strongly recommended.

WVU Parkersburg Honor Code
West Virginia University at Parkersburg is a community of scholars engaged in life-long learning that expects all members to accept and live by the principles of the honor code. We believe that education must include knowledge and ethics; instilling the elements of honor and compassion towards oneself and others within every member of our community.
As a member of the college community I will follow these principles:
I will show both common politeness to all members of the college community without exception to race, religion, creed, gender, disability or orientation and seek to engage, support and improve the civic organizations, goals, and values of the community.
I will seek to understand the variety of cultures and worldviews that have shaped the human experience, create a safe place where members of different cultural and social backgrounds may feel welcome and to hold all members of the community to the ideals of this honor code.
I understand that I am required to be ethically consistent; living up to the Honor Code at all times, in all situations, and with all members of our community.
I will conduct myself with dignity and interact with a sense of equality towards all students, of regard to all instructors and staff, and worth towards myself.