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Testing Center

The WVU Parkesburg Testing Center is located in the main building of the WVU Parkersburg campus in Room 1332 (back right corner of the Success Epicenter). The center offers a secure and comfortable environment that houses 20 computer testing stations as well as a small area for paper tests. The testing center aims to meet the needs of all current and prospective students, alumni and the Mid-Ohio Valley area, by providing a wide variety of testing services such as: Accuplacer, CLEP, Distance Learning, PearsonVue, Praxis and many others in order to encourage excellence in higher education and create opportunities for success.

Testing Center Contact Information

Success Epicenter in Room 1123



Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

(Testing available by appointment in evening.)


Test Codes
ACT 4542
SAT 5932
Questions regarding the ACT may be directed to Brandon Amos at 304-424-8376 or

All questions and information regarding the HESI may be directed to the Nursing and Health Sciences Division at 304-424-8300.

Our Goals

The mission of the Academic Testing Center is to encourage excellence in higher education and create opportunities for success in a secure and comfortable environment for all students and the surrounding community. The mission is demonstrated through the following objectives:

The Academic Testing Center will uphold the integrity of the testing process by incorporating ethical standards and security measures.


The Academic Testing Center will treat all candidates in a professional yet personable manner.


The Academic Testing Center will provide quality services by providing essential assessment and testing services documents and remaining technologically updated.


The Academic Testing Center will assist the campus in providing undergraduates, graduates, and the community with equitable opportunities for academic testing success.



Next Generation Accuplacer placement tests more effectively help institutions place students in classes that match their skill level and include texts and tasks encountered in first year college courses.

This exam evaluates a test taker’s ability to revise and edit multi-paragraph text.  Questions cover two broad knowledge and skills categories each containing three subcategories.

Expression of Ideas

  • Development
  • Organization
  • Effective Language Use

Standard English Conventions

  • Sentence Structure
  • Usage
  • Punctuation

This exam assess the following knowledge and skills:

  • Rational Numbers
  • Linear Equations
  • Geometry Concepts
  • Ratio & Proportional Relationships
  • Linear Applications & Graphs
  • Exponents
  • Algebraic Expressions
  • Probability Sets
  • Descriptive Statistics

$10 (Must be paid in the Business Office before testing.)

Students may retake exam after two weeks and up to three times in a six month period, but will need to pay the $10 testing fee each time.


Praxis® tests measure the academic skills and subject-specific content knowledge needed for teaching. Praxis tests are taken by individuals entering the teaching profession as part of the certification process required by many states and professional licensing organizations.

All registration and exam information can be found on the Praxis® website.

The Testing Center is unable to provide any exam information or register candidates.

Special Note: If the WVU Parkersburg campus is closed or has a two-hour delay, Praxis® testing will not be available depending on exam start time. In the case of a 2-hour delay, exam start times before 11 a.m. will be canceled. Prometric (Praxis®) will reschedule test takers without additional charge for another appointment. If you have any questions about your appointment, please contact the Praxis customer service line at 1-609-771-7395 or 1-800-772-9476.

Pearson Vue

The Testing Center is a Pearson Vue Authorized Test Center. Pearson Vue offers candidates a wide variety of sponsored owned exams, such as: Cisco, Citrix, CompTIA, Evaluation Systems (OAE Ohio Education), Microsoft, NACE, NREMT, PTC and many more. If you are unsure of a sponsor being in a partnership with Pearson Vue, link to their website to find out.

Candidates can also register on the Pearson Vue website:

Special Note: If the WVU Parkersburg campus is closed or has a two-hour delay, Pearson Vue testing will not be available during campus closures. The Pearson Vue customer service team works diligently to contact affected candidates by phone or email when closures occur to reschedule appointments. If you have any questions about your appointment, please contact their customer service using the link below:


College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests are prepared by the College Board. Each test costs $95, plus a testing fee of $25, and can be transferred to another institution. *The student will need to contact the transfer school to determine whether or not the particular examination credit will be accepted.  

Special Note: Students may not attempt credit by examination in courses for which they are already registered. Additionally, students may not attempt credit-by-examination in courses that they have already completed and for which they have grades on their transcripts. CLEP exam fee is subject to change via CLEP.

**Starting 7/1/2025 the CLEP fee will change to $97. **

CLEP exams help you receive college credit for what you already know, for a fraction of the cost of a college course.  You can prepare for and take the exams on your own time, whether you’re getting a head start on college or working to finish your degree.

Save Money. A CLEP exam costs $89 + $25 proctored exam fee – a fraction of the average college cost.

Earn College Credit. A passing score on a CLEP exam can earn you three or more college credits.

Save TimeWith CLEP exams, you can place out of introductory courses and move quickly towards your major or other areas of study.

  1. Go to
  2. Complete the registration process online prior to making an appointment for testing at the WVU Parkersburg Testing Center (Room 1123A).
  3. Pay the appropriate exam fees: $89
  4. Contact Kaylee Stewart, in the Academic Testing Center (Room 1332) for an appointment for testing. *When you schedule to take the exam, Kaylee will double check to make sure that the student is not currently registered for the class or has already taken the class.
  5. Pay the testing fee of $25 – payable to the WVU Parkersburg Business Office (Room 1112) before testing. Pay online here.
  6. Tests are proctored in Room 1322. Bring your receipts and photo ID with you on the day of the test.  

CLEP can be transferred if the other institution will accept. Students intending to transfer to another institution should contact the transfer school to determine whether or not the particular examination credit will be accepted.  

CLEP website

Resources to Study: Modern States and

  1. CLEP examinations may be retaken, if unsuccessful on the first try; however, a six-month period must pass before attempting to their transcripts.  
  2. Students may not attempt a CLEP examination in courses which they have already completed and for which they have grades on their transcripts.   
  3. CLEP exams are prepared by the College Board. The CLEP exams listed in this catalog are approved for credit by college division chairs.  
  4. Persons meeting specified score requirements on either CLEP or In-house Exams will then have the credit applied to their transcripts.
WVU Parkersburg
Course No.
CLEP TitlePassing ScoreCredit
BIO 101/102 (lecture only)Biology506
CHEM 115/116Chemistry506
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics503
ECON 202Principles of Macroeconomics503
ENGL 101College Compostition503
ENGL 131/132Analy./Interp. of Literature506
ENGL 261/262English Literature506
ENGL 241/242American Literature506
FREN 101/102College French-Level 1506
FREN 101/102 & 203/204College French-Level 26012
GERM 101/102College German-Level 1506
GERM 101/102 & 203/204College German-Level 26012
HIST 101Western Civ. I: to 1648503
HIST 102Western Civ. II: 1648 - Present503
HIST 152Amer. History I: to 1865503
HIST 153Amer. History II: 1865 to Present503
MGMT 220Principles of Management503
MKTG 230Principles of Marketing503
MATH 120College Mathematics503
MATH 126College Algebra503
MATH 155Calculus504
PSYC 101Introductory Psychology503
PSYC 241Human Growth & Develop.503
SOC 101Introductory Sociology503
SPAN 101/102College Spanish-Level 1506
SPAN 101/102 & 203/204College Spanish-Level 26012

In-House Credit by Exam

In-house exams are available for a variety of courses. You cannot be registered/enrolled for the class if you plan on testing out of the class. Exams are only available to students who are currently enrolled at WVU Parkersburg. All In-house tests are administered by each appropriate department not the Testing Center.  

  1. Discuss the matter with the appropriate division chair for permission to proceed with the appropriate instructor.  
  2. Make arrangements with the appropriate instructor to take the test. Faculty members require a two-week notice for credit by exams due to their busy schedules. * A faculty member will double-check to make sure that the student is not currently registered for the class or has already taken the class.  
  3. Complete an In-house Credit-by-Exam form at the Records Office, located in the Center for Student Services.   
    1. The student will complete Part 1.
    2. The division chair will sign off for permission to take the exam (Part 2).
    3. Pay the $25 proctored exam fee at the Business Office. The fee must be paid before the exam is taken. Credit will not be recorded if this procedure is not followed.    
    4. Take the exam.
    5. Examiner will complete Part 3.

In-house tests cannot be transferred to another institution.  

  1. Applications forms for In-house Credit-by-Examination must be completed and fee paid before the examination may be given.  
  2. A student may attempt to take In-house Credit-by-Examination in any individual course only once.  
  3. Students may not attempt Credit-by-Examination in courses which they have already completed and for which they have grades on their transcripts.   
  4. In-house examinations are to be prepared by the department faculty responsible for teaching the course that is to be tested. The division chair shall attest that the examination to be used is appropriate to the course and is not one that has been used previously for in-class examination sessions.  
  5. Persons meeting specified score requirements on either CLEP or In-house Exams will then have the credit applied to their transcripts.
WVU Parkersburg
Course No.
ASTR 106Intro to Astronomy4
BIOL 107/108Anatomy & Physiology I & II8
BIOL 200/201Microbiology & Lab4
BIOL 211Zoology: Animals as Organisms4
BIOL 212Botany: Plants as Organisms4
BIOL 171Nutrition & Health3
CHEM 111Intro to General Chemistry4
CHEM 112Intro to Organic & Biological Chemistry4
CHEM 233/235 & 234/236Organic Chemistry I & II8
CIT 101PC Management & Maintenance4
CIT 105Network Fundamentals5
CIT 106Routers & Routing Fundamentals (CISCO)5
CIT 114Windows Operating System3
CIT 205Inter. Routing & Switching (CISCO)5
CIT 211Network Infrastructure3
CIT 305Advanced Routing (CISCO)5
CIT 306Remote Access (CISCO)5
CIT 405Multi-Layer Switched Networks (CISCO)5
GBUS 117Business Mathematics3
GEOL 101/102Physical Geology4
GEOL 103/104Historical Geology4
PHYS 101/102Intro to Physics I & II8
PHYS 111/112General Physics I & II8
PSCI 111Intro to Physical Science4
PSCI 112Intro to Earth Science4
SEC 430Network Security Design (MCSE)3
WeldingAll Welding Courses4

**In-house examinations open on a requested basis. Students who challenge any BTEC software package class not listed should discuss with the division chair and arrange with a BTEC instructor to obtain credit-by-exam through BTEC 299. Note: Word Processing courses periodically offered in the Business Technology studies area are open to in-house examinations on a selected basis.

Make-up Exams

The Testing Center proctors make-up exams for when students miss a class. However, there are policies and procedures that need to be followed to take a make-up exam in the Testing Center.

Faculty members need to contact the Testing Center before a student can take a test. The faculty member will complete an out of class exam instruction form for every test that they would like to have proctored for the testing center. This form will need to be completed and returned to the Testing Center at least 48 hours before the student will be able to test in the center. The student will then have to schedule to take the exam and it must be 24 hours in advance. The Testing Center is no longer able to give on-demand testing.

Example: If a student misses a test on Monday, the instructor can complete the form immediately after class and give it to the testing center (If the instructor wants to have the student to test by Wednesday). The student can then contact the Testing Center and schedule to take the test, on Tuesday, if they contact the center on Monday; or test on Wednesday, if they contact the center on Tuesday.

Testing Center Responsibilities & Operating Policies

If you require or believe you require, special testing accommodations due to a disability, contact Kurt Klettner in Disability Services at or 304-424-8388.

No testing is to begin within the last hour of operating hours unless special permission is given.

Provide a quiet and safe environment for students to take exams.

Academic integrity is integral to the mission of the testing center; academic misconduct will not be tolerated and instructors will be notified of any issues.

The Testing Center is Not Responsible For

Answering questions regarding test questions, grades, class information, etc.

The student’s grade. Faculty members are required to grade all exams and inform the student of their grade.

Student Responsibilities & Guidelines

Students must have a valid government or student ID.

Electronic devices must be powered off and stowed away. Backpacks and other personal items are not allowed in the testing room – storage space is provided.

Students must schedule to take an exam in the testing center at least 24 hours in advance.

Know their class name and number, faculty member’s name and what test they are taking.

Be quiet when entering and exiting the testing room. Other testers should not be disturbed.

Students should not bring children into the testing room. Childcare arrangements must be made in advance.

Faculty Responsibilities

When scheduling a proctored exam, please complete the Out-of-Class Exam form in a timely manner.

An Out-of-Class Instruction sheet must be completed for tests to be administered including make-ups.

Advise students to know their class information when coming to test. They will need to state their instructor name and class when scheduling an exam.

All online proctored exams must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance.

Be mindful that the testing center does a lot more than just proctor exam make-up tests and proctor faculty exams.

Do not enter the testing room if the sign on the door indicates testing is in progress.

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