It is our belief that educational success is achieved by understanding and enhancing one’s own learning process. The Tutoring Center staff is committed to providing students with an equitable opportunity to develop positive attitudes about themselves, their studies, and their learning skills. The ultimate goal of tutoring is to guide students to independent learning where the student no longer relies upon the tutor.
Tutees are given an equitable opportunity to become actively engaged in course discussions. They are given a safe, open environment to ask questions and express ideas.
Tutees will be given opportunities to become more skilled readers, note-takers, and strategic learners.
Tutees will learn how to effectively manage and/or work in a study group with builds teamwork.
Tutees will learn how to utilize all resources available for their own success, including fellow classmates.
As an active learner, the tutee accepts responsibility for their own learning which results in increased self-confidence and steady progression towards their own educational and personal goals. Our Center is dedicated in creating a meaningful experience for our tutors as well. The benefits of tutoring are:
Real world experience that can help them achieve their employment or career goals.
Develop strong communication and leadership skills.
Build confidence in their ability to make a difference.
Strengthen their ability to utilize resources available on campus.
Builds a sense of community and ownership on campus.
Network with individuals who are passionate about service and education.