The Education Alliance will have a collection site for the Coats4Kids drive on campus from Nov. 13 to Jan. 20. They will be collecting new or gently used winter items of ANY size. Examples of items include: coats, hats, hoodies, scarfs, gloves and more! All of the items will be donated to a local organization. The drop off location will be in the Success Epicenter near the front desk.
Stressed out about finals week? Come to the Success Epicenter on Dec. 2 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. to learn about activities and tips to help you deal with stress! Our campus counselor Kelly Wiltsey will be providing take-home fidgets to all attendees to help them cope with stress. Some topics that will be discussed include: What is well-being? Why is well-being important? How can self-care and stress reduction improve mental health? Don’t miss out on an opportunity to improve your well being!