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Education Accreditation

The Education Division at WVU Parkersburg was awarded national accreditation by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in 2020. An Education Preparation Program that has accreditation ensures that teacher candidates meet rigorous standards prior to graduation. As a teacher candidate that means that an Elementary Education degree from WVU Parkersburg will give you the option of securing a teaching certificate for any state in the United States. The elementary education program is, also, nationally recognized by the Association of Childhood Education International.

CAEP Annual Report

WVU Parkersburg’s education preparation program is dedicated to excellence that is achieved through continual assessment and improvement grounded in a culture of evidence that informs our practice. The faculty conducts three assessment meetings each year to review data collected from numerous sources: current students, faculty, graduates, employers, cooperating teachers and supervising teachers. Certification examination scores and grade point averages also provide data for review. This review of the data informs the program concerning areas that need to be improved.

The preparation program at WVU at Parkersburg is committed to transparency. The following data demonstrates the program’s dedication to excellence:


The Education Division at WVU Parkersburg was awarded national accreditation by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in 2020. An Education Preparation Program that has accreditation ensures that teacher candidates meet rigorous standards prior to graduation. As a teacher candidate that means that an Elementary Education degree from WVU Parkersburg will give you the option of securing a teaching certificate for any state in the United States. The elementary education program is, also, nationally recognized by the Association of Childhood Education International.

Read the Self-Study Report

CAEP Accountability Measures

Alumni Advisory Council Impact Data
Analysis of Trends
Comparison with Benchmark
Student growth data from the Alumni Advisory Council on the West Virginia Evaluation Rubrics for Teachers, specifically 6.1 and 6.2, provides evidence of impact on P-12 learning.

(The Alumni Advisory Council meets in May annually. Data provided are the most current data.)
The WV Evaluation Rubrics for Teachers requires that all teachers in WV provide documentation of impact on student learning for two goals. This provides evidence for 6.1 and 6.2 on the assessment. All Alumni Advisory Council members submitted documentation that they showed “measurable progress” on the Standardized School Growth Scores in Reading and Math.Scores from the Alumni Advisory Council were similar to the scores from members of the Alumni Advisory Council over the past three years. WVU at Parkersburg candidates continue to impact student learning.

The state has not provided data for comparison at this date.
Alumni Advisory Council Impact Data
Alumni Advisory Council Teacher Evaluation Data
Analysis of Trends
Comparison with Benchmark
Teacher evaluation data from the Alumni Advisory Council on the West Virginia Evaluation Rubrics for Teachers provides evidence of teacher effectiveness.

West Virginia Evaluation Rubrics for Teachers rating scale ranges from “Unsatisfactory” (0) to “Distinguished” (3). Novice teachers are expected to score at “Emerging” (1).
The Alumni Advisory Council provided WV teacher evaluation scores to be reviewed. Alumni scored a rating of “Emerging” (1) or higher on each element of the WV Evaluation Rubrics for Teachers.The state has not provided data for comparison at this date.
Alumni Advisory Council Teacher Evaluation Data
WVUP Employer Satisfaction Data
Analysis of Trends
Comparison with Benchmark
Employer survey data on WVUP EPP Survey of Employers Satisfaction provides evidence of employer satisfaction.WVUP’s alumni have received strong employer ratings since the beginning of the program. The most recent survey data demonstrated increases in all areas.
The highest indicators were students learning at 2.8. The lowest indicator even though it was still high was actively engages in professional development.
Data, both qualitative and quantitative, is consistent from year to year. Employers continue to rate WVUP alumni high in every area.WVUP Employer Satisfaction Data

Qualitative Data from WVUP Employers
Milestones and GPA Data
Analysis of Trends
Comparison with Benchmark
Program milestones are considered Admission to Program, Admission to Student Teaching, and Completion/Certification.Data indicate that the past few years have shown an overall downward trend in Admission to Program which in turn has caused a downward trend in Admission Residency and Completion.

Data have shown that the program’s retention rate is high once admitted to program.

The program has increased efforts to support candidates that are struggling either with GPA issues or passing PRAXIS exams to ensure success.
Data are following national and state trends of teacher shortages and fewer students seeking degrees in teacher education.

Although it is rare for a candidate not to complete once admitted to program, many candidates are non-traditional and working either part-time or full-time and it is difficult for them to complete in four years.
Program Milestones Data

Admission to Program

Admission to Student Teaching
Praxis and WVTPA
Analysis of Trends
Comparison with Benchmark
West Virginia Teacher Performance Assessment
WVUP requires their candidates to pass Praxis I examinations before Admission to Program and all Praxis 2 examinations before Admission to Student Teaching. There is a 100% passage rate for completers.

WVUP candidates are required to have a 3.0 GPA in three areas: overall GPA, courses required for the BA degree in elementary education, and all courses with an EDUC prefix. No grades below a C are accepted.

The WV Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) must be passed for certification. Candidates must meet mastery (2 out of 4) on every indicator.
Candidates’ Praxis scores consistently follow the state and national benchmarks on all Praxis exams. Scores on the Principles of Learning and Teaching exam (5622) and Teaching Reading: Elementary Education (5203) traditionally are higher than the state and national mean scores.

There is no WV aggregate TPA data to use for a comparison.
Overall PRAXIS Passage Rate

WV Teacher Performance Assessment Data
Title 2 Report
Ability to be Hired
Analysis of Trends
Comparison with Benchmark
Employment RatesThe full-time employment rate for 2022-2023 is 100%.Employment rates have increased over the past five years as the number of retirements in the school systems have increased. Graduates are employed soon after graduation, and are substituting by choice. Ability to be Hired

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