COVID-19 Update from President Gilmer

Parkersburg, W.Va. (October 26, 2020) – Good afternoon, WVU Parkersburg,
I have the unhappy news of reporting that during the last week WVUP has experienced its largest incidence of COVID-19, eight confirmed cases among students, faculty, and staff in a one-week period. A large residential university might consider this a more expected report, but at a community-based college of our profile where we are very close-knit and familial, this news distresses me greatly as I am sure it will distress you.
There are defining moments in leadership, and I believe this is one of those moments for me. Sometimes we get it right. Sometimes we get it wrong. Often, we don’t know the verdict until the passage of time. Always, a leader shares credit for the good and takes responsibility for the bad, and I will model this behavior with this decision.
In consultation with the Board of Governors, executive team, and leadership of the faculty senate and staff, but accepting that the final decision is mine, I am announcing effective immediately that all face-to-face instruction is temporarily suspended on both campuses for a period of two weeks. Face-to-face clinical placements for our healthcare students are suspended for the same period. We will evaluate a return to the limited face-to-face instruction which we have been doing this semester to begin Monday, November 9, with updates prior to that date and further decisions based on the trajectory of the pandemic.
Instruction will continue, but for at least two weeks it will be all technology-enabled instruction. Students, your instructors will be in touch with you about how your classes will continue during this period, and the administration will be in touch with how to proceed with registration for the spring semester.
Furthermore, I am instructing the Vice Presidents of each area to reduce the face-to-face workforce for the same period as deeply as possible while maintaining essential academic and support services, especially services directly to students. Your Vice President or direct supervisor will be in touch by close of business Wednesday with instructions for your division or department.
While this outbreak at WVUP is small and hopefully containable, and while largely our public health protocols seem to be working, I simply am unwilling to expose you or your family to risk which I can mitigate. We were the first college in West Virginia to move to virtual instruction when Covid-19 hit, so it will not surprise you that I am acting on the side of caution. During this time we will complete very deep cleaning of all facilities and evaluate our protocols for any needed updates.
Please know that I make this decision with respect and concern for the temporary instructional challenges it will cause for both students and faculty and for other challenges it will cause for staff as we are already gearing up for the spring semester.
My foremost concern is for our students, like students across the nation, who have been asked to change almost everything about your college experience. To you, I say this: while technology-enabled instruction at the expense of face-to-face instruction is not an optimal longterm situation, we are doing our best in the short term to ensure the quality of the experience and to prepare you to shift back face-to-face as soon as it is safe to do so. Better days will come again, and please do not give up on your education or your dreams. These are hard times, but hard times build character. We are fully invested in your success, and I ask each of you to remain fully invested in your success.
Finally, to the entire community, I say this: when I wrestle with my conscience as I often do these days, I only win when I value the lives and the good health of you and your families above all other considerations. Enrollment is important. Budgets are important. Your happiness is important.
Your lives are more important, so please begin taking the necessary steps to implement this decision with all due speed even as we hope that it will only stand for two weeks. No doubt you have questions about implementation, and you may ask them of your supervisors and Vice Presidents. If you have more general questions or concerns about this or other leadership decisions, as always you may address them to me directly. If I may be of service to anyone during this challenging moment, please call on me and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
President Chris Gilmer