Face Covering Protocols in WVU Parkersburg Facilities

A Memorandum from President Dr. Chris Gilmer to the WVU Parkersburg Campus and Guests
Effective immediately, but with a transition period for full enforcement to begin on Monday, August 16, 2021, the following protocols governing face coverings are in place for all WVUP facilities without exception, unless or until they are repealed by order of the President who is authorized by the WVUP Board of Governors to make updates to existing COVID-19 protocols. These requirements will be enforced:
1. The wearing of masks is strongly encouraged indoors in all WVUP facilities by all people at all times until further notice.
2. The wearing of masks is strongly encouraged outdoors at all WVUP facilities until further notice, when groups of people congregate.
3. WVUP will not issue a comprehensive mask mandate at this time, but will follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that masks should be worn indoors by all people, vaccinated and unvaccinated, in areas of “high” or “substantial” spread as measured by the CDC. When either Wood County or Jackson County, West Virginia, or both, are rated “high” or “substantial,” since all of WVUP’s facilities are located in these two counties, masks will be required indoors in all public spaces in all WVUP facilities. This requirement will be enforced with employees, students, and guests. Until further notice, the administration will review CDC’s map before close of business each Friday and will issue through multiple communication channels before closing of business each Friday what the face coverings protocol will be for the following week. Changes in protocol, if any, will go into effect at the opening of facilities on Monday of each week. At present, any changes of mask protocols will be made at one-week intervals, and WVUP will be pleased to relax the mask protocols at any time that the public health guidance discussed herein allows. Today, all counties in our primary service area, including Washington County, Ohio, are rated “high” or “substantial” except for Ritchie County.
4. Faculty members may choose to teach their face-to-face classes wearing clear face shields instead of wearing masks.
5. Exceptions for masks at times when masks are required will only be made, on a case-bycase basis, for those people who have a legitimate medical reason documented by a medical or behavioral health professional or through a properly filed Americans with Disabilties Act (ADA) accommodation request.
6. “Public spaces” are defined as any space within any facility on WVUP property which is not a private, one-person enclosed work area inhabited by only the one person assigned to that area.
7. Violations of these protocols should be reported to the Office of the President, to any Vice President of the university, or to campus security. If any employee is placed in the position of enforcement with any student or guest, call any executive officer or campus security for assistance.
8. Signs will be posted at each main entrance of campus facilities indicating the current protocol level: “Masks Required” or “Masks Suggested.” Anyone entering our facilities will be required to comply with posted guidance.
9. Anyone entering WVUP’s facilities at a time when masks are required should provide his, her, or their own mask. The administration reserves the right to approve or to disapprove of any mask or face covering based on current public health guidance regarding efficacy. Alternative masks will be made available by WVUP as needed.
Questions or concerns about these protocols may be referred to the President or to any Vice President. It is always my wish and my commitment that our facilities are as welcoming as possible and that WVUP is serving the educational needs of our students and communities, but protecting the health and safety of those who work and learn here, as well as the public health of the communities we serve, is an even more paramount concern. As stated, these protocols, based solidly on the best available public health guidance, will be fully enforced beginning with the opening of facilities on August 16, 2021.