Local high school students earn certificate degree through WVU Parkersburg’s Early College program

Parkersburg, W.Va. (May 21, 2020) – Thirteen area students are graduating high school with an early start on their college education. Through West Virginia University at Parkersburg’s Early College program, the students had the opportunity to complete their first full year of college while earning their high school diploma.
The Early College program allows eligible high school students to take college-level courses on their school’s campus or at a WVU Parkersburg campus for a reduced tuition rate. To earn a Certificate of Applied Science in General Education, a student must successfully complete 30 credit hours from courses in math, science, English, fine arts and other designated areas of study with a 2.0 or higher overall GPA.
WVU Parkersburg awarded a Certificate of Applied Science in General Education degree to the following Early College students for the Spring 2020 semester:
ST. MARYS HIGH SCHOOL – Peyton Auxier, Hannah Barker, Aiden Cosper, Jocelynn Campbell, Aimee Chambers, Bethany McFarland, Peyton Oliver, Jaden Schofield, William Steele and Mary Taylor.
RITCHIE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL – Eric Darnold, Andrea Kirk and Garrett Owens.
“The faculty and staff of St. Marys High School would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to our students who have successfully completed courses through WVU Parkersburg and especially to those who have been dedicated to completing their certificate degrees,” said Shelley Taylor, assistant principal, St. Marys High School. “We would also like to thank the faculty and staff of WVU Parkersburg for their time and effort in order to provide this amazing opportunity to our students. Our students have been able to complete 40+ hours of their college education prior to their high school graduation without having to leave our school grounds. Most of our students are able to complete their post-secondary coursework in less time than a traditional college student and/or double major without spending extra time and money.”
During the 2019-2020 academic year, a record-breaking number of nearly 1,000 high school students from 10 area high schools, as well as homeschools, participated in the college’s Early College program.
“The opportunities given to me by not only St. Marys High School, but WVU Parkersburg, have given me the reliable stepping stone I needed to jumpstart my education and future goals,” said Aimee Chambers, St. Marys High School Class of 2020.
The program is open to all public school districts, private schools and homeschools in the college’s seven-county service region. Tuition for eligible high school students is currently $50 per credit hour, and scholarships may be available for qualifying students.
With proper planning, students can save more than $23,000 in tuition by enrolling in the Early College program and completing their first full year of college while in high school.
For more information about WVU Parkersburg’s Early College program, visit wvup.edu/earlycollege or contact earlycollege@wvup.edu.