Phi Theta Kappa sponsors Adopt-a-Highway clean-up event

Phi Theta Kappa sponsors Adopt-a-Highway clean-up event
Parkersburg, W.Va. (May 3, 2024) — WVU Parkersburg’s Phi Theta Kappa Sigma Omega chapter sponsored an Adopt-a-Highway clean-up on Saturday, April 27.
“Seventeen volunteers came out to pick-up litter from the edge of the roadways around campus, including Nicolette Road, Swisher Lane, Woodberry Lane and Campus Drive,” said PTK Advisor Marie Butler. “We had a very successful event with a total of eight large bags of trash picked up in two hours’ time.”
Volunteers included:
Gracie Spiker; Ayden Yost; Dharma Thomas; Khylan Nicole Plants; Colton Richards; Christina Allen; Hannah Allen; Anna Grace Allen; Logan Allen; Che’ Venoy, PTK chapter officer; Anastasia Nicholas, PTK chapter officer; Taylor Anderson, PTK chapter officer; Jared Smith, PTK alumni; Liberty Smith; Gunner Smith; Andrew Walker, PTK advisor; And Marie Butler, PTK advisor.
PTK is an invitation only honor society on campus. In order to be eligible, students must have a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average and completed at least 12 credit hours of associate degree work. However, the event is open to all members of the campus community to take a few hours to give back to the surrounding community. The Adopt-a-Highway clean-up event also fulfills required community service hours for the WV Invests and Elementary Education and Nursing programs.
For more information on becoming a member, contact advisors Marie Butler at or Professor Andrew Walker at