Student Shares Perspective of College During Pandemic

Presented as a first-person narrative by student Sarah Weeks.
Parkersburg, W.Va. (October 13, 2020) – Every professor I had at West Virginia University at Parkersburg gave me the same message. They assured me that despite changes in courses, one thing would be certain – they would be with me every step of the way.
Faculty extended due dates. They allowed grace periods. Best of all, I felt my professors were listening and doing their best to understand each situation as it arose.
Yes, challenges did arise when WVU Parkersburg unexpectedly began an online school journey in the middle of March due to COVID-19. As a student, I was personally affected by the pandemic in terms of health, finances, family, schooling, careers and more. Despite any economic hardships, I found consistent comfort in being a student at WVU Parkersburg.
Face-to-face communication and course work turned into weekly Zoom meetings, and questions were asked via email. Although it seems, at first glance, that communication between students and professors would be compromised, I quickly found that it was not. My professors were extremely quick to respond to any question I had and were understanding when it came to technical difficulties and communication issues.
WVU Parkersburg gave its faculty time in the spring and throughout the summer to enhance their technology tools and online presence. The end of spring 2020 seemed to fly by, not because we were online, but because I found myself enjoying going to school from home. I found a relaxed comfort in taking courses in my pajamas.
I have a great admiration for every professor who opened up as many lines of communication as he or she could for each student. Faculty worked every day to ensure we were given an education at the same high-quality level that we would have experienced in a classroom. In my opinion, they accomplished what some felt would be an unachievable task.
WVU Parkersburg’s professors have gone above and beyond each day to ensure their students’ needs are met and our tasks are clear. Although I have never struggled with online courses, many students do not have that same luxury, and I think the greatest part about the WVU Parkersburg staff and faculty is that they recognize that. They provide additional resources. They provide Zoom tutoring sessions.
I never intended for my junior year to end the way it did –with a prolonged spring break that had me quarantined in Georgia for three months. I can thankfully say, though, that it resulted in more positive opportunities than I expected. The WVU Parkersburg campus community worked with every student to ensure academic success following their belief and promotion of equity.
I have both joy and appreciation for the college and my faculty because I feel that I am better prepared for my career because of what I have learned through the pandemic. I am now a self-driven professional marketer and show initiative in every project I attempt because of the confidence I have gained by learning to be timely, efficient and dedicated to my work.
As we are in the midst of our fall semester, I am in my senior year, and I am still given great opportunities I would have received if we were still on campus. WVU Parkersburg, my advisors, professors and peers want to see me succeed in every way, just as I want to see for them. The entire campus cheers on their students and welcomes new students with open arms as they begin their college journey in this time of uncertainty.
I recommend that each student continue to pursue their dreams with WVU Parkersburg because there is no other place with the same unwavering support and guidance as this campus community. The one thing I know for sure is that I will succeed because I am WVU Parkersburg proud.