WVU Parkersburg inducts founding members of Delta Mu Delta honor society chapter

The inaugural members of the Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business were installed at West Virginia University at Parkersburg during a ceremony held on Tuesday, Feb. 26 in the college theater.
During the ceremony, the society inducted 23 founding student members and 13 honorary members. Inductees took the official oath of membership and were presented with a certificate, the honor society’s key and an honor cord. Dr. Bernice Purcell, Delta Mu Delta regional representative and associate dean of Holy Family University, officiated the ceremony and officially installed the new chapter at the college.
Additionally, officers Austin Grimmett, Breanna Paxton and Jillian Ballengee were installed as president, vice president/treasurer and secretary, respectively.
Delta Mu Delta is an international honor society established to recognize and reward superior scholastic achievement of students in business administration, as well as faculty members and business leaders who have experienced measurable success in their profession.
Membership to Delta Mu Delta is by invitation only and extended to undergraduate students who meet specific eligibility criteria. To be eligible for membership, students must be in the top 20 percent of their class and completed at least one-half of their course work for a baccalaureate degree with an average cumulative grade of at least .25 above a “B”.
“Congratulations to the first class of inductees of the Omicron Pi chapter of the Delta Mu Delta Honor Society in recognition of their outstanding academic and professional achievements in the field of business,” said Dr. Billy Stone, assistant professor in the Business, Accounting and Public Service Division at WVU Parkersburg and faculty advisor for the Omicron Pi of the Delta Mu Delta Honor Society. “I look forward to the future of Delta Mu Delta on our campus.”
The Omicron Pi chapter of Delta Mu Delta members inducted include:
Undergraduate inductees: Faith Atkinson; Jillian Ballengee; Justin Bosley; Timothy Bower; Amber Davis; Lauryn Fields; Terrence Francisco; Austin Grimmett; Mary Hammons; Joshua Johnson; Natasha Mason; Breanna Paxton; Victoria Poellot-Tauber; Mahkayla Queen; Tiffany Roberts; Daniel Seebaugh; Sherilyn Stahlman; Mariah Stansberry; Audrey Ungar; Kylee Walker; Paul Weekley; Shianne Winters; and Sandipa Wolfe.
Honorary inductees: Debra Baker; Pam Braden; Dr. Chad Crumbaker; Holly Dexter; Dr. Chris Gilmer; Dr. Matthew Graves; Jeff Holland; Dr. Larry Muller; Dr. Sy Sarkarat; Dr. Vijay Shah; Dr. Billy Stone; Carol Thomas; and Lisa Wilkinson.
For more information about WVU Parkersburg’s Omicron Pi chapter of Delta Mu Delta, contact faculty advisor Dr. Billy Stone at 304-424-8281 or billy.stone@wvup.edu.