WVU Parkersburg Participates in Walk 4 Vets Fundraiser

Parkersburg, W.Va. (July 8, 2021) – The West Virginia University at Parkersburg Veterans Corps and campus members recently participated in the Jan Dils Walk 4 Vets Freedom Fun Run 5K.
The virtual 5K allows participants to complete the 3.1-mile walk and run at their own pace and using a course of their choosing. The Veterans Corps chose the WVU Parkersburg Walking Trail, inviting campus and community members to accomplish the course together.
Participants included Bob Boyter, Chris, Birkhimer, Curtis Casto, Kayleigh Casto, Kristie Casto, Kurt Klettner, Darren Shearlock, Megan Shearlock, Melody Shearlock, Billie Shutts and Kenna Reynolds Warren.

The Freedom Fun Run 5K is sponsored by Jan Dils Attorneys at Law with 100% of proceeds benefiting Operation Transportation, We Have Your Six and scholarships for WVU Parkersburg student veterans.
“We are proud to have the support of the community and organizations like Jan Dils, and in return, show our support through participation,” said Darren Shearlock, WVU Parkersburg veterans advocate. “Last year, monies from the Freedom Fun Run provided nine student veterans with scholarships that they may have otherwise not received.”

Online registration for the Fun Run 5K will close at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, July 9. The cost to register is $20, and participants must complete their course by July 10.
For more information on the Jan Dils Walk 4 Vets Freedom Fun Run 5K, contact Beverly Geiger at beverly@jandils.com or 304-428-8900 ext, 1335.
To learn more about WVU Parkersburg’s veteran resources, contact Veterans Advocate Darren Shearlock at darren.shearlock@wvup.edu or 304-424-8337.