WVU Parkersburg Schedules Summer CSI Academy for Teens

Parkersburg, W.Va. (June 7, 2021) – Discover the clues, gather the evidence and solve the case. Teens interested in law enforcement and criminal investigating are invited to put their skills to the test and learn about the Criminal Justice profession during WVU Parkersburg’s Teen CSI Academy.
The college Criminal Justice professors and leading area experts will guide students through hands-on experience in crime scene reconstruction, evidence processing, criminal profiling, preparing case trials and more during this summer program.
“The CSI Academy is an opportunity for those interested in law enforcement, detective work, investigation and the like to explore what their academic and post-college careers should be,” said Logan Mace, Teen CSI Academy program coordinator. “What we do is provide an immersive experience for students so they can fully understand their prospective academic and career choice. We do this through real-world scenarios and hands-on learning administered by our very own faculty and those with field experience.”
Full activities include:
• Photographing, mapping and report writing for a crime scene
• Fingerprint identification
• Identifying blood evidence
• Collecting trace evidence and footwear impressions
• Criminal profiling techniques
• The court process and testifying in court
The academy will take place Monday, July 12 through Thursday, July 15, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost is $150 per student with lunch provided.
The academy is limited to the first 20 participants. The deadline to register is July 1, 2021. Applications may be downloaded at wvup.edu/teen-csi.
For more information, please contact Logan Mace at logan.mace@wvup.edu or 304-420-8606.