WVU Parkersburg welcomes Dr. Chris Gilmer as new president

West Virginia University at Parkersburg faculty, staff and students welcomed new president, Dr. Chris Gilmer, to campus on Monday, July 2. His presidency comes after approval by WVU Parkersburg’s Board of Governors and the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.
Dr. Gilmer previously served as executive director of Alcorn State University in Vicksburg, Mississippi and vice president for Academic Affairs at Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado. He carries 25 years of service in higher education as an administrator, professor, trainer, and grant writer with 15 years of consulting experience.
“Our students’ success is the whole reason for my being here,” said Dr. Gilmer. “My background is not unlike that of many in our region, and I know WVU Parkersburg can be a bridge to any dream imagined.”
A first-generation college graduate from a rural Mississippi farming family, Dr. Gilmer holds an Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts from East Central Community College, a Master of Arts in English from Mississippi College and a Bachelor of Science and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Southern Mississippi.
His first priority is meeting with members of the campus and surrounding communities as well as learning more about the Mid-Ohio Valley, its history, area businesses and culture.
“I deeply care about this college, the people who work here, the students and communities we serve,” said Dr. Gilmer. “I extend a genuine invitation to the campus and community to share their vision for this institution so we may build on current successes and achieve new heights.”