WVU Parkersburg will operate in Fall 2020 with technology-enabled instruction

Parkersburg, W.Va. (July 20, 2020) – WVU Parkersburg will operate in Fall 2020 with technology-enabled instruction, President Chris Gilmer announced on Friday, July 17.
“The bottom line is this: I must live with my own conscience, and ultimately we can have no greater concern than the preservation of even a single human life,” Gilmer explained as he noted the decision could impact enrollment and have a short-term financial loss for the institution.
Meetings with stakeholder groups on how to best implement technology-enabled instruction begins on Monday, July 20. “We will follow the leadership of faculty and students about the best ways to implement instruction,” Gilmer assured.
WVU Parkersburg will follow the leadership of staff and students about the best ways to serve the front-line needs of our students while keeping everyone safe.
WVU Parkersburg will make some exceptions for our technical programs such as welding, and for some of our science, healthcare, and education programs which have lab and field experiences.
WVU Parkersburg will reopen our computer labs on a limited basis because we recognize that access to Internet in rural areas is one of the primary challenges of virtual instruction.
WVU Parkersburg will continue our phased reopening of our facilities to register, advise, teach, and serve students, but in a slow and safe way emphasizing the mandatory wearing of face masks and social distancing.
To students, the college president offered assurance. “We will be here to ensure the best possible learning experience for you.”
To staff, the college president offered safety. “We will design our workspaces to provide you with the most safety possible.”
To faculty, the college president offered resources. “We will make our Zoom rooms and other tools you need to do your job available.”
And to parents, spouses, and families, the college president made a promise. “Send us your loved ones as students for the fall semester, and we will do all within our power to keep them safe while we provide a quality education.” President Gilmer further explained his decision for a semester of technology-enabled instruction, “I can’t promise that I will keep the virus from coming to our campuses. No one can. But I can promise you this—my most solemn responsibility is to do all that I can toward that end, and this decision is a reflection of that promise.
What does this mean for students? Some classes will still meet face-to-face, but most will use a virtual means to communicate. The methods will vary. Faculty will reach out to the students with more information. Students do not need to worry about changing their classes to online; all changes as a result of this announcement will be made for students. More information on a technology-enabled instruction for Fall 2020 will be posted on the college website as it becomes available. Students are encouraged to check their WVUP email accounts regularly and to find updates in the weekly Blue & Gold Post, a resource sent out by email.