WVU Parkersburg’s BOG discusses HLC report

WVU Parkersburg’s BOG discusses HLC report
Parkersburg, W.Va. (April 25, 2024) — WVU Parkersburg President Dr. Torie Jackson announces positive results from the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) visit in March.
The HLC is one of seven regional accreditors in the United States, with the purpose of accrediting degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions.
In March, the HLC visited the WVU Parkersburg Campus to evaluate the college on its alignment with the institution’s mission, which is central to accreditation and assurance of academic quality.
Jackson said the final report has yet to be approved by the HLC Institutional Actions Council. The council will meet toward the end of the month to review.
“Pending that final approval, it is with great pride that I tell you we met all criteria for accreditation with no concerns provided. It is a phenomenal report that truly embodies what we do at WVU Parkersburg to provide the best possible student learning environment,” Jackson said.
During the President’s report, Jackson read a few of the comments included in the summary.
“WVUP is a student-and-community focused institution with a strong sense of its mission to provide access to education that enables personal and professional success. The visiting team identified a number of current institutional strengths that position WVUP very well within the current context of higher education. A strong team and leadership have proactively sought opportunity and partnerships throughout the surrounding community that have expanded WVUP’s ability to provide the facilities and technology that support effective teaching and learning across all of its programs. Within the context, a culture of individualized student support and caring is evident that continues to find ways to improve student access to educational opportunity.”
Jackson introduced Nichole Dellinger and Jessica Tripett, campus community members who embody the characteristics of WVU Parkersburg.
Dellinger is a student in the Criminal Justice program who also works in the WVU Parkersburg Center for Student Services. She was recently named a 2024 New Century Transfer Scholar and received a $2,250 scholarship.
“Dellinger is a dedicated student and has led out Criminal Justice Student Organization through engaging students, hosting event and activities for the group, and operating successful fundraisers. Without her, according to CJ faculty Andrew Walker, we would not have been able to take students to our annual Academy of Criminal Justice Services conference for the past two years or host our CJ Educators Conference here at WVUP,” Jackson said.
Tripett is an adjunct faculty member who has spent 14 years in WVU Parkersburg classrooms. She has serviced the WV Supreme Court of Appeals as a juvenile probation officer for the Fourth Judicial Circuit for over 15 years, leads the county juvenile drug court program and is the President of the WV Association of Probation Officers.
“Jessica’s courses mainly focus on her expertise and experience in community corrections and substance use. She is currently teaching Drugs in America, a spring course, and in the fall, she typically taught Community Corrections,” Jackson said. “She’s also covered Juvenile Delinquency, CJ Ethics, Intro to CJ and Criminology. She is always willing to take on a course or assist the program, and is usually the first to submit attendance and grades.”
Jackson presented a resolution to the Board of Governors for an across-the-board pay increase for full-time staff and faculty in the 2025 Fiscal Year. The total cost of the increase is $368,060, which is equal to $2,500 per full-time employee.
Jackson said the new employee evaluation system could allow for performance-based wage increases in the future. Jackson said that performance-based wage increases have not been in practice for a long time, and will only exist through a good evaluation system that is conducted properly.
Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration Alice Harris said the pay increase helps to reset and take care of some of the inequities in the pay scale from the past.
The board unanimously approved the resolution.
In other news:
- The board unanimously approved the Fiscal Year 2024 – 2025 Budget.
The next meeting will take place on June 18, 2024.