WVU Parkersburg’s Phi Theta Kappa sponsored Adopt a Highway clean up event

Parkersburg, W.Va. (September 26, 2022) – West Virginia University at Parkersburg’s Phi Theta Kappa Sigma Omega chapter sponsored an Adopt a Highway cleanup Saturday, September 24 during the statewide fall clean up event.
“Fourteen volunteers braved the weather and came out to pick up litter from the edge of the roadways around campus, including Nicolette Road, Swisher Lane, Woodberry Lane and Campus Drive,” said Marie Butler, PTK Advisor.
PTK is an invitation only honor society on campus. To be eligible, students must have a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average and completed at least 12 credit hours of associate degree work.
“I was so pleased Dr. Uta Hempel was able to join us again for this event. She is vital in pointing out poisonous plants for us to avoid as well as providing us the names of the wildflowers we see along the way. It enhances our service project,” Butler said.
The event was open to all members of the campus community. The Adopt a Highway cleanup event also fills required community service hours for the WV Invests, Ascend, Elementary Education and Nursing programs.
For more information about PTK, contact advisors Marie Butler at mbutler1@wvup.edu or Andrew Walker at wwalker1@wvup.edu.