WVU Parkersburg’s Poorhouse Rag Submission Deadline June 1

Parkersburg, W.Va. (May 26, 2021)- “The Poorhouse Rag,” WVU Parkersburg’s literary magazine, is calling all writers and artists affiliated with the college to submit their works addressing an emphasis on social justice. This includes, but is not limited to, race, poverty, social status, disability and any topic on which the writer wishes to speak up and out to inform and enlighten.
“The Poorhouse Rag” is led by the WVU Parkersburg Editorial Collective of Dr. Alicia Matheny Beeson, Dr. Danielle Kelly, Dr. Sandra Kolankiewicz, Dr. Lauri Reidmiller, Joyce Stover and Dr. Woody Wilson. The Editorial Collective’s goal is to gather diverse perspectives from the campus community and feature as many of those voices within the final print of the magazine.
“Throughout this past year, the pandemic and other current events have brought to the forefront issues with social justice, inclusion, equity and equality which is what the magazine’s themes want to highlight,” said Kelly. “The editorial team decided the larger theme provided ample avenues for self-expression for students, faculty, staff and community members to address within their work.”
All writing and artworks will be considered for one of two prizes – the $50 President’s Prize for the college president’s favorite submission; and the $50 Foundation Prize for artwork only. The Foundation Prize winner’s work will serve as the issue’s cover.
Jesse Siefert of the Parkersburg Art Center will judge the Foundation Prize. Genre submission prizes- one in poetry, prose and children’s literature- will be judged by various editorial team members and English department faculty through a blind reading process.
“The Fall 2020 edition was impacted by the sudden switch to remote learning due to the pandemic,” said Kelly. “However, this year, the editorial collective is hopeful to increase submissions as everyone has settled into the online environment, and through the growing presence of a creative writing class being offered this spring, and through advertising the submission opportunity to all campus and community members.”
Submissions are open until June 1, 2021. Entrants should submit their work to thepoorhouserag@wvup.edu and include the submission genre in the subject line, a statement of WVUP affiliation in the body of the email, and a brief third-person bio.
For more information and to see the guidelines, visit wvup.edu/poorhouserag.